A Time of Wonder...
Early childhood is an amazing time of discovery and growth for children and their families. During these years, children begin to develop relationship skills they will need throughout their lives. At the Highland Presbyterian Church Nursery and Weekday School, we create learning environments rich with possibilities that encourage children to wonder and explore their world together. Through these new relationships, they begin to build oral and written language, make connections with print and visual materials, and express themselves through the “languages” of conversation, music, storytelling, various art media, and creative play.
Our Learning Community
We respect the learning that takes place in our classrooms and celebrate the ideas and interests of our children and faculty. We provide opportunities for our teachers to enhance and improve their knowledge and skills through research and study. As a team, we review and incorporate the best philosophies and educational practices that inspire us and guide our vision. We are influenced by the early childhood centers in Reggio Emilia, Italy along with the reflective teachings of Margie Carter and Deb Curtis, and the writings of Vygotsky, Dewey and Piaget.
Our Programs
Children and families are served through three distinct programs and may choose to utilize our optional programs:
- Nursery Program (3-24 months)
- Preschool Program (2s, 3s and 4s)
- Kindergarten Program
- Optional Programs
- Early Play (8:00-8:45 am)
- Extended Play (12:00-3:00 pm)