Children’s Activities at Highland Presbyterian Church
Sunday School - Through the love and inspiration of our Sunday School Teachers, our children’s Sunday School classes teach children how much God loves them as well as the “basic” Bible stories! Sunday school classes meet from 9:30-10:30 on Sunday mornings during the school year and during the 11:00 worship service in the summers! Here are the meeting locations of each class:
Preschool: Children’s Wing, Room 200
Kindergarten: Children’s Wing, Room 202 (Ms. Walker’s Class)
1st & 2nd grade: Children’s Wing, Room 203 (Chapel)
3rd & 4th grade: Children’s Wing, Room 203b (access through the chapel)
5th grade: Youth Ministry and Mission Center, Classroom 1
Children’s Music Ministry – Each Wednesday night from 5:30-6:15, children aged 4 – 5th grade are invited to participate in one of our music ensembles at Highland! Through music, dance, and play, children learn more about God and develop an appreciation for the beauty of music! Children are also invited to lead worship through music throughout the school year!
Joyful Noise (for 4-year-olds and Kindergarten): Children’s Wing, Room 202
Hallelujah Choir (for 1st and 2nd graders): Children’s Wing, Room 203
Lyric Choir (for 3rd-5th graders): Choir Room
For more information, contact Amanda Boyd (amandaboyd522@gmail.com)
Roots – Roots is a service and fellowship group for children who are considered “tweens” (3rd-5th grade). They are called roots because we believe this is the age where the seeds of faith planted in childhood begin to take “root” in order to shape the rest of our life of faith! This group meets most Sunday afternoons from 3:30-4:45 in the Fall. Contact Doodle for a schedule (doodle.harris@hpclouisville.org)
Family Activities – About every other month, HPC offers activities specifically for parents and children! Check out our newsletter and weekly e-mails for information about upcoming family activities!
If you have any questions or would like any additional information, please contact Doodle Harris, associate pastor for Christian Education (doodle.harris@hpclouisville.org) or Ann Holmes, Christian Education Assistant (ann.holmes@hpclouisville.org)