Beautiful Symmetry by Brenda Wirth, Art Specialist

I often see children create symmetrical compositions spontaneously, either by arranging things in a way that balances around a central axis or by making a print of their paintings before they dry.

I offer them pre-folded paper to paint on and many of them respond by noticing the symmetry in animal forms— “It looks like a butterfly.”

●      What You Need:

    • Thick paint like tempera or finger paint.
    • Paintbrushes, spoons, or fingers to put the paint on paper
    • Heavy paper, construction paper or cardstock.

●      What You Do:

    • Fold paper in half, then open it up for painting.
    • Encourage the child to only paint on one side of the paper.
    • Fold the paper over and rub.
    • Open the paper up and look at how it printed. More paint can be added, and it can be folded again, or you can move on to new paper.

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